Throw a House Party in Style

Dancing at a house party

If you’ve got a big event coming up, then where better to throw a party than your own home?! It’s cheaper than hiring a venue and if done right, can be more spectacular and intimate than anywhere else since you have full control of decoration, music, food and more! Whether you choose to have a […]

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Don’t use online house valuation tools to set your asking price!

There are tonnes of house price data tools out there and every other company wants to give you their particular valuation. But who gives the most up-to-date and most relevant information? It’s hard to know which website or tool is the most accurate when there are so many on offer, and which one to choose […]

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“I’m Out” House Selling Deal Breakers That Really Aren’t

When the perfect property comes along, you may feel that the race is on to sell your old home. Others who have had their property on the housing market for some time may become pretty desperate too and will try just about anything to get that sold sign by their front gate. With a multitude […]

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Sell your house fast before stamp duty tax rises

Sold sign

The changes that will be effective from April (2016) this year will effect prospective landlords and those looking to purchase a second-home. These property buyers will be expected to pay an additional 3% on top of each stamp duty band so if you are  property owner planning to sell your house or if you want to buy […]

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Guide to Choosing your Second Year Uni Accommodation

The first couple of terms at university tend to go by in a crazy, hazy blur. What with making new friends, joining societies, hitting the clubs and – of course – lectures themselves, it’s no wonder choosing accommodation for year 2 is the last thing on your mind while you’re settling in! Although it may […]

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Your DIY Guide to Kerb Appeal

New Year, new house? It’s time to act on the resolutions you made when sipping the bubbly and eating your body weight worth of Christmas leftovers. That leaky drain you’ve been meaning to fix, the garden hedge you said you’d prune…it’s time to tackle the tasks that will help to up your home’s kerb appeal. […]

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Over 50% of leaseholders unaware of the rules on leaseholds!

A recent survey has shown property owners in the UK have a ‘shocking’ lack of understanding of the rules of leaseholds, due primarily to bad conveyancing advice, with over 50% of leaseholders unaware of the rules on leaseholds! Research from law firm Bolt Burdon Kemp claims leaseholders don’t know nearly enough about how leases work, the […]

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1 in 5 young and employed moving back in with parents

young people can no longer afford rents

These are the latest statistics to come out from Shelter, emphasising the growing housing crisis for thousands of 20-34 year olds in England. This phenomenon is being dubbed ‘the clipped wing’ generation. This age group have been given many names, first, it was the millennials for being born during the millennium, generation Y to precede […]

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Relocation for a Better Education

Every year parents across the country have to make the important decision of where to educate their children. Obtaining a place at a top performing school is a high priority for parents, but if they are not living within the catchment area of their desired school many will consider relocation for a better education. As […]

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How Do You Deal With Nuisance Neighbours?

How do you deal with nuisance neighbours

Most neighbours are easy going law-abiding citizens, but occasionally you may encounter those that prevent you from enjoying a peaceful life in your own home. The causes of neighbour disputes can be anything from barking dogs to parking and boundary issues, but the most common cause is noise. A one-off party could be excused but […]

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To Build or Not to Build?

To build or not to build? That is the question. Extending your property has long been a popular way of gaining extra space for a growing family, as well as increasing the value on your property. If an extension is your desired route, take a look at some important factors before going ahead with the big […]

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How to Burglar Proof your Home

Don’t let your home be an easy target for burglars. Your home is your castle and don’t want anyone invading it and helping themselves to your possessions. A burglary can have a traumatic effect on homeowners. As well as the financial loss it can take an emotional toll. By taking a few simple measures you […]

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