The Funniest Door Mats
Estimated reading time 4 minutes
‘Welcome home’ or ‘please wipe your feet’ are classic doormat phrases; they are functional, but hardly imaginative. So why don’t you have some fun with the first item people are likely to see when entering your house? Give your family and friends a laugh with these hilarious alternative door mats.
Doorbell Broken Mat
This door mat will amuse you with just how many people actually yell “Ding Dong!” You’ll be surprised at who joins in with the fun. Who knew nan was up for silliness like this?
Hi, I’m Mat.
Whoever invented this mat was clearly a dad. 100% dad humour at its best, and guaranteed to get a giggle from all who use it!
Slide to unlock
For the technology lover, this ‘slide to unlock’ mat is a great addition for your home. However, do not be surprised if the less technologically savvy amongst your friends and family actually believe your front door works in a similar manner to a conservatory door. Alternatively, you can actually use it for conservatories that open up to the garden.
The Neighbours Have Better Stuff
Worried about having your belongings nicked? This mat is British humour at its best (especially if you’re not a massive fan of those living next door to you)!
The Cat Mat
Every cat owner will understand the logic behind this mat. Although in typical cat fashion, your feline friend will probably do you the courtesy of sunning themselves whilst lying on the mat, meaning the comic slogan will be hidden from view – oh the irony!
Beware of the dog
A ‘beware of the dog’ with a twist – this mat actually has a chunk ‘bitten’ out of it! This mat will certainly make cold-callers think twice before ringing the doorbell. This mat is also a great deterrent to burglars when you’re away on holiday. Statistics suggest that your house is less likely to be burgled if the perpetrator believes there is a chance of a dog residing indoors.
I will not be a doormat
Another great dad humour mat and one that is sure to raise a few laughs! The old jokes are always the best!
Fisherman Mat
For the fisherman who wishes to compliment his wife on a daily basis; this ‘a fisherman lives here with the best catch of his life’ is a sure winner for both husband and wife! With a fish-hook styled letter ‘A’ and ‘fisherman’ styled like a fish, this mat is an easy way to subtly incorporate your love of fishing into your home décor.
Enter Mat
Another popular mat with technology lovers is this ‘enter’ mat, styled to look like the enter/return key on a keyboard. The mat also offers a clever little pun in itself, inviting guests in with the word ‘enter’.
My house was clean
For the busy homeowner who has kids, a million-and-one jobs to do, and would rather be out socialising and loving life than cleaning indoors – this is your mat! Offering visitors a non-apology, this mat speaks the mind of almost every homeowner in the country! Who has time for excessive cleaning? You only live once, right?
Don’t Let Buddy Out!
For the dog-loving family, this comical mat is funny and as a useful instruction to all visitors. The product can be personalised with your dog’s name and is decorated with fun paw-prints and patterns. The mat also comes in a range of colours.
For those who have just moved home or whose doormat is looking that little bit tired, why not try one of the funniest door mats for yourself? You’ll be surprised how they can brighten your day!