A Happy Home Guide
Estimated reading time 3 minutes
Those looking for a happier life should move to a home in the big city.
At least, that’s the theory realised by Dr Jeanettte Bicknell, from York University in Toronto. Bicknell claims the fast-paced life of bustling areas – such as London or New York – drives a feeling of contentment among residents.
Bicknell goes on to say, this is because busy people feel like they are making better use of their time than those who have a more leisurely pace of life. As a result, they have more life satisfaction than their country-dwelling counterparts.
This view is rather unfortunate for those of us who prefer to lodge in more rural quarters. Those of us who revel in the wilderness; the quiet, and the uninterrupted. Not only this but, personal preference aside, many people simply can’t afford a move to the city – with ever-increasing house prices and ruthless competition with fellow buyers.
Luckily, property experts, Sellhousefast.uk have selected a few tips and tricks to make your home feel happier regardless of its location.
Think about scent
Be it rich musk or sickly sweet, a fragrance you like can make a real difference to your mood and energy levels. In your home, consider bringing in a layer of “cheerful” aromas, room by room. Try warm scents like amber and vanilla in the lounge or fresh herbs and fruits, such as mint and lemon, in the kitchen. In the bedroom, why not try lavender, soothing and classic, it’s guaranteed to promote a good night’s sleep.
Image credit: Daria Minaeva/Shutterstock
Mellow yellow
Research by the University of Manchester found that yellow is the “happiest” colour. However, too much of the same shade can be overwhelming. This is where soft touches and smart accents come in. Try adding accessories, such as velvet pillows or handmade vases, in yellow hues, throughout areas you feel need it most.
If you’re feeling confident, try updating old and tired furniture with a lashing of yellow paint, or add a small stripe alongside the inside edge of a window sill to “mimic the effect of golden sunshine pouring in.”
Image credit: Yulia Grigoryeva/Shutterstock
Pot the plants
Introducing potted plants not only looks fresh and pretty, but also helps to clean the air; breathing life – quite literally – into a stuffy room. For full visual effect, place your plants in generous groups of three or five.
Some plants release oxygen at night rather than the day, which is perfect for a good night’s sleep. Try Aloe Vera, Dendrobium Orchids and Peace Lilies for that therapeutic, late-night oxygen boost!
Image credit: ABO PHOTOGRAPHY/Shutterstock
Reflect the light
A simple change, like placing a mirror on the wall, can help to make your home feel light and airy. Light levels can have a big impact on your mood and happiness, so by using reflective surfaces, such as a mirror or a bright shade of paint, you will draw light into every room. The more the better!
Image credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Keep windows uncluttered
Linked to making use of natural light, make sure to keep your windows free of clutter. Natural light is so effective, maximise it where possible, especially in the rooms where you spend the most time.
However, be sure to lower light levels after 8pm, as this is when you should be winding down to allow your body-clock to settle into the night.